Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Happy Wednesday Everybody!  It's Hump Daaaaay!

I wanted to share these......There was this area on the island in South Carolina where the beach had been bigger but erosion was taking part of it away leaving behind the driftwood you see in these pictures.  I was so enamored by the shapes that I took so many pictures.  These are some of my favorites.

Just some of the beautiful homes in South Carolina, and the awesome spanish moss that hangs from their trees.  Most of the roofs on the porches were painted in this blue color you see in the top picture.  The story was that back in the 1800's people believed this color protected their homes from spirits but they found out that it keeps hornets and wasps from building nests because they don't like that color.  I have decided to paint every surface outside of my home this color.  I hate hornets and wasps.

 This is the house from the Big Chill.  I never actually saw the movie but heard it was pretty good haha.  It is a private residence now.
 This church was in Forrest Gump, when he prayed for Shrimp.  I don't remember it, but everyone else did when I showed them this picture.
Just a really cool, incredible looking tree.  Spanish moss is dripping from the branches.  On the tour, we were informed it isn't Spanish and it isn't even moss.  It's a relative to the pineapple and chiggers live inside, so if you want to use it for plants or whatever, they suggest boiling it.  Well, no thanks, I'll just buy a bag at my local craft store!  :)  hahaha!

Tomorrow I am going to start posting some pictures of changes I have made around the house.  I'd love to hear what you think.

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